Guide To Servicing Hair System Without Damaging It

Your first day with a men's hair system is always an out-of-the-world experience. After all, you can flaunt the style you have always craved for. You can overcome the raw nerve of a bald patch or thinning hairline that may have dented your confidence. Now, you are ready to rock wherever you go. At Topee, we know the joy and confidence you feel when you look at yourself in the mirror wearing a hair system. We bring you the best hair system in Bangalore and help you with regular hair system maintenance.

So now that you have had a great day with your new young look, have clicked all the selfies, and set your Insta account on fire, it is time to remove the hair system without damaging it. The very thought of servicing a men's hair system without damaging it can make you a little apprehensive. Fear not! servicing a hair system isn't rocket science, and if you follow our hair system maintenance guide, you can easily wear and remove one.

As a newbie to hair systems, you must master the art of removal. It helps prolong the life of your hair system and prevents damaging your natural hair. Here's a step-by-step guide to safely remove your hair system without causing any damage. Follow it, and you will never have a problem wearing and servicing your hair system.

Step 1: Avoid Rushing In

While this might sound obvious to you, experience tells us that many people end up damaging the hair system and their natural hair by rushing into the job. For someone who is wearing a hair system for the first time, it can take up to an hour to remove a hair system. Patience is key to proper hair system maintenance, and you have to be gentle with the hair system and avoid applying force. Do this in a well-lit area in front of a mirror or seek help from someone in the initial days till you achieve the required expertise.

Step 2: Buy All Your Supplies

Before servicing a men hair system, you must have the necessary supplies ready. Here are the supplies you need to remove our natural hair system successfully.

  • Adhesive remover: You need a high-quality adhesive remover to remove the adhesive used to keep the hair system in its place on your scalp
  • Cotton balls or pads: They help you apply the adhesive remover precisely and prevent damage to the hair system and your natural hair.
  • Fine-tooth comb: The fine-tooth comb lets you gently loosen any adhesive residue from the base of the hair system.
  • Mild shampoo and conditioner: After servicing the hair system, cleanse and condition your natural hair.

Step 3: Prepare Your Hair System

In this step, you must gently comb through your hair system, which helps in servicing any tangles or knots. We recommend this as it prevents unnecessary pulling or tugging on the hair when you move to the next steps.

Step 4: Apply Adhesive Remover

Avoid using cheap adhesive removers as they can cause damage to the hair system. Choose the ones our experts recommend when you buy the product from us. Use cotton balls or pads to apply the adhesive remover. Your aim should be to saturate the perimeter of the hair system with adhesive remover. Do this gently and avoid pushing your fingers through the adhesive, as this can cause damage to the lace holding the hair. Patiently wait a few minutes and let the remover penetrate the adhesive as it loosens its grip on your scalp.

Step 5: Gently Remove the Hair System

Run your fingers below the adhesive to verify if the adhesive has softened. If it looks all good, gently lift the hair system along its edges. It is the most crucial step in the whole process, and you must proceed slowly to avoid applying unnecessary force that damages the delicate lace or base of the hair system. If you feel resistance from the adhesive, apply more adhesive remover and wait a few minutes before trying to remove the hair system again.

Step 6: Cleanse Your Scalp

After you have removed the hair system from the scalp, it is important to cleanse it. We recommend a mild shampoo and warm water to cleanse the scalp. Rub your fingers gently on the scalp or use a fine-tooth comb to remove any residue the adhesive remover may leave. Repeat this process if you still feel adhesive or debris on your scalp. Follow it up by conditioning your hair with a high-quality conditioner to moisturise and nourish your natural hair. Dry the scalp with a towel or a hair dryer at a low temperature.

Step 7: Store Your Hair System Carefully

In the final step of hair system maintenance, you must store your hair system carefully. Avoid wetting the hair system or trying to remove the last traces of adhesive from the lace at home, as these may damage the system. Our experts will take care of these when you come for regular maintenance. Store it on a wig stand or mannequin head when not in use. Avoid exposing it to heat or moisture.

Follow these hair system maintenance steps, and you will remove them successfully. We must reiterate that servicing a hair system without damaging it requires patience. So, the thumb rule is never to rush and be gentle with your natural hair and hair system. You will take more time for it in the initial days till you gain sufficient expertise.

At Topee, we are the most trusted name for hair systems in Bangalore and take pride in transforming the lives of our clients. We offer you the widest selection of natural human hair systems at the best price. To learn more about hair system maintenance or to answer any other queries, all us at 09353588890. To buy a hair system in Bangalore, visit TOPEE in Kodihalli.

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